Wednesday, July 10, 2013

jealous as oh heck...but really happy, too!

check out this beautiful sunset from the other night...

the sunrises, sunsets and skies in general are always so beautiful here. me and jambaloney sometimes spend hours just staring at the sky.

anyway, why i am jealous as oh heck? well, a hundred years ago, or so it seems, when i was involved with the cpn and apn, i met some really good friends. SciFiChick and i were like sisters. she and i were in almost the same place in regards to our prepping. i have talked about her many times on this blog. and if she isn't on your "must read" list, she should be. anyway, her and i had a bit of a "prepper" crush on 2 ladies who talked the talk, and walked the walk. that would be Phelan and MMpaints. i have spoken about both of those great ladies on this blog many times.

anyway, just this weekend past, SciFiChick had some visitors. holy moly - she had Phelan, Phelan's husband and 2 sons, as well as our own sweet Sandy and her husband come for a visit!!! they actually all got to meet! i have it on all of their trusted authority that they are all fantastic people! i also have it on good authority that Phelan is as awesome as she seems, that sweet Sandy is the sweetest person ever, SciFiChick is an absolute darling, Mars makes the best ribs on the planet and that everyone was very happy to meet up. you can read SciFiChick's post about meeting here, sweet Sandy's here and Phelan's here.

ya, i am jealous that they all got to meet but i am also very happy for them. it's a wonderful thing to finally meet people who are already your friends. and they have all been there for each other, and for me, all this time. they are a great group of people who can be counted on through thick and thin!

another great person is our friend mmpaints. although she has had a pretty tough couple of weeks, you can read more about it here, she is going to reach her farm project goal through the help of very kind strangers and friends. you can check her progress here. i thank all of my friends who helped out, not only the people who donated, but the people who shared her story. you are very generous people and it makes me feel proud to call you all friends.

up next - mist rising off of Strachan's brook. the mist rises like that when the water is warmer than the air. it's really cool.

oh...did you notice all of the beautiful roses on the rose bush? the rose bush is really putting out roses this year - so beautiful to look at!

here's a yummy vermicelli salad with cucumber, pineapple, shrimp, fresh mint and coriander, chives, green onion and lettuce. accompanied with a "belt-you-in-the-head-so-hard-your-kids-will-feel-it" lime/chili dipping sauce.

and i hate bragging but bragging i must!

teeheeeheeheee. that's my first baby tomatoe. is that awesome or what?!?!?!?!?


  1. That's a lovely view of, I'm presuming, your back yard, or at least one of your back yards.

    Yeah about the tomato! I'll be pulling most all of mine up in the next week or two, their done. Not my best year but we've eaten lots & I've managed to save enough to make sauce this weekend.

    1. DFW - the pics of the sunset are our front yard...and the second pic is looking down our driveway. i can't believe that you are already pulling up your tomatoes...ours don't usually fruit until the end of july/early august which is why that little tomatoe is so special! i think we'll have a bumper crop this year - woohoo!

      sooo glad that you made some sauce!

  2. I might have to steal that pic of the mist on the brook.

    I think my cucumbers are done as well. Those blasted pickleworms took a toll on them. I have managed to save one plant. But even its looking raggedy. Time to till it all over and put in some thing else.

    Tool Cool that SCI got to meet Phelan. I read her post and I know they must have had a blast...
    All this leads me to think about a new post...

    1. Gurlie - you can steal whatever you want! happy 2nd anniversary to you and i am glad that people convinced you to blog - i would have never met you otherwise and that would have been a horrible shame!

      it is sooo awesome that those gurls got to meet...and you and me will meet soon - i just know it! hugs and love to you and yours always eh?

  3. Sweet Kymber,

    Don't be jealous my friend, we all will have an opportunity to meet too one day. Right now we chat through Blogger and e-mail giving us an opportunity to get to know one another. Did you know that's how I meet Bulldog Man, over the internet?

    Now talk about beautiful pictures, this sunset is gorgeous. Now I'm jealous. It's so amazing up there, it's like a painted picture.

    Your vermicelli salad sounds delicious, this is something I would eat. How hot is your "belt-you-in-the-head-so-hard-your-kids-will-feel-it" lime/chili dipping sauce?

    Give Jam a hug!
    Your Friend,

    1. oh sweet Sandy - i am soooo glad that my great blogger friends, SciFi and Phelan got to meet you! i have known them for what feels like forever! they are great people...but to have them vouch for you as being as sweet as can be...oh that means the world! i have always known that you are sweeter than sugar (it's why i call you sweet Sandy!) - well, it just makes me happy (and jealous!) that you all got to meet up. sweet Sandy - i know that one day we will meet up too...we have to. jambaloney is dieing to take you fishing!

      sweetheart - the sauce will belt you so hard in the head that your grandchildren will feel it - bahqahahahah! let me know if you want the recipe!

      jam loves his hugs from his OK friend! and he expects them now! lots of love back to you and yours! xoxox

  4. kymber,
    The pink and blue in the first two pictures took my breath away. Really! That's why I like sunsets. It seems most sunrises are too orangey for me.

    It's okay to brag about tomatoes. Doesn't everyone, even in real life?

    I have never, ever met one blogger or person I have met online! Oh, I take that back. One person who never commented on another site wrote me privately. She is the one who ended up owing me the $750 for three years, the money two months ago I got by threatening to sue her. She wasn't a blogger.

    With my cataract-affected eyesight, at first it looked like you were eating a plant out of a planter...sigh.

    1. Linda - jambaloney read something about instagram can load your pics and run them through some kind of filter to make them pretty??? i know nothing about this. apparently my camera has settings that will do the same - i know nothing about that either. my camera is on standard settings and i just point and click. so the colours that come up are really the colours that you see.

      i am sooo glad that you enjoyed the pics, but you have always said that you enjoyed them so i keep you in mind when i take them!

      i haven't met any bloggers yet myself...but i am planning to finally meet my friend Sue this summer/early autumn. you can find her at "the little acre that could". she is listed in my blogroll and i think that you would really enjoy her blog.

      thanks for always stopping in and for always being so positive!

    2. Hi, Kymber. Linda is already a loyal follower of The Little Acre that Could, and I of her blog Practical Parsimony. And we both follow you! Cool.

      I hope things work for us to meet later this summer. That would be so much fun!

  5. Hey Kymber, it took me a while to find your blog again. I've been off line for a bit but am back up now. I go by Harry Flashman now instead of the Hermit. Glad all is well for you two on your end of the ether. We are doing fine on our mountain. It's good to talk to you again.

    1. Harry - i am soooo very glad that you are back! i am heading right on over to catch up with all that you have been up to. do you still use the same email? i'll send you a note! sooooo glad that you are back! missed ya much buddy!

  6. Lol - reckon our bragging about tomatoes can be likened to fishermen and the size of their catch

    Yeah, I'd love to meet you, but fear the distance will prevent that. But, rest assured, you're at the top of the list :) if it's meant to be, you'll get to "gather" with Phelan and Sandy in the future...

    1. oh Dani - that little tomatoe made my day! we usually don't see any until end july/early august - so i had to brag - bahahahahah!

      i'd love to meet you too...except that you live half-way around the world. but maybe one day it will happen. we can always dream eh? i would love to see your corner of the world...and i would love to show you mine.

      lots of love always eh?

  7. Your sunsets are spectacular! It looks like you have a perfect spot for viewing them.

    I cannot believe that you have a tomato already! Well, actually I do because it's YOU talking. :-) But we're warmer here on the mainland and my tomatoes are only up about 8 inches. I guess warmer is must have some sweet micro-climates up there.

    1. oh sweet Sue - my dear friend who has been through so much over the past year and a bit - and still came out smiling and loving! you are such a joy and so much our Lord's creature - i am meeting you this year - i swear! me and j are dieing to meet you and superman! you have been such a good friend over the years....i think it's time, eh?

  8. kymber you have the MOST AMAZING skies. I would so love to see it for myself one day. Don't you know we could find some trouble to get into? hehehe. I feel blessed to have you as a friend. Even if I DID get to meet one of our homesteading "crushes" first! HAHAHA!!!

    I finally got my first "pink" tomato's today. Three of them! By this time last year I was knee deep in tomato's and canning every day. It sure won't be long now before I put some of those skills we learned together to very good use.
    Have a Super Day!!!

    1. P.S. Your garden looks wonderful. And that's the prettiest Canadian tomato I've ever seen.

    2. listen you - we have been such good friends over the years but you getting to meet one of our homesteading crushes AND sweet Sandy - i don't know seems unfair - bahahahahahah!

      oh please promise that one day you and Mars will come for a visit and we will do the same. it's only 50 million miles away!

      i am so glad that you are putting the skills that we learned together to use - i will be putting them to use in about 3 weeks or so - first i gotta get over these black fly bites - i am actually toxic right now!

      i am so glad that you guys got to meet up Sci...soooo glad. lots of love to you and Mars always eh?

  9. Awesome colors. Might have to come see them in person once I settle in Kentucky.

    1. gurl - you better come and see them with your own eyes once you are settled! your new land is beautiful...and i can't wait to see what you do with it! lots of love to you and yours from us, always!
