in october, we pitched in to install new windows and re-side the framboise firehall - it was quite an adventure and i learned how to put up the type of plastic siding we have @ framboise manor. it was a great 3 days and we all felt good about it. (in the pic below i am the guy in the blue t-shirt leaning on the truck in the foreground - waiting my turn on the scaffolding ;-)

the firetruck on the right has since been sent for scrap - it no longer worked and the community has raised quite a bit so far for a new one, we should have it by this spring/summer.
as we were working on the outside, we also cleaned up the inside of old equipment etc. i was able to score some pretty useful "junk" !! i am a big advocate of free stuff ESPECIALLY stuff that is going to be tossed out - one person's trash is someone else's treasure! NOBODY can deny the magnificence of the following haul:
here is about 50 feet of chain, chain is expensive, not this!!

here are some high quality pipe fittings:

oh, this is just a big roll of rubber firehose, only a hundred and one uses for that ;-)))

MORE firehose...rubber for irrigation projects and the cloth stuff to uses as strapping, lumber cradles, a canoe cradle down at the river... there are another 5 rolls of cloth hose under that tarp!!

this old gurney has 5" wheels and the highest quality aluminum frame.... kymber wants to suntan on it while i wheel her around but i think it will make a fine garden trolly!

these 4 cinder blocks are now keeping our new washer off the basement floor:

these are 2 10 foot sections of large diameter rubber fire-hose. i have to put in a 'quick and dirty' culvert under the back road this spring, these will be perfect!!!

this is an old stretcher which has some great brackets and hardwood rails on it for later use, and some rubber and asbestos gloves!!

these window casements are about 2 1/2 feet high and 5 feet wides, the glass is thick and they have screens.... i smell a green house!!

these windows didn't come from the fire-hall, i got them during last years large garbage pickup week... i'll find more this spring and will take the whole load, sand them, re-glaze as needed, paint them all white and start a second hand greenhouse!! can't wait!!

that's a pretty good amount of free stuff. you will see it re-appear in future posts as i put it all to good use this coming year!!
cheers all!!