more about all of that later. here's frankie blue-eyes in a basket on the dishwasher.
he is a cat in the pure sense of the word in that he gets into all kinds of things that he doesn't fit into. we have no idea how he gets himself in this little basket considering he weighs about 65 lbs now!
oh and before anyone thinks he's drugged out of his mind - or that i gave him more than the recommended daily dose of catnip - he hasn't had any catnip in those pictures...he kind of always looks like a stoner! our friend W calls him "scrutty". W will be happy to know that frankie is living up to his nickname. i've never seen a more beautiful cat who was sooooo scrutty ALL OF THE TIME. he is one of our 3 "saved-babies"....more on the other 2 in a bit!
kids - you've spent the day hauling rocks from all around your yard. you had a healthy breakfast and dinner and it's a few hours 'til supper but all of the rock hauling has you wanting a nice afternoon snack. share it with your baby - i did!
a gorgeously-ripe avocado, scored and then lime squeezed over top. tons of sea salt and fresh cracked pepper. oh yes!
after hauling all of those rocks all day, you need a substantial supper! how about some beautiful liver, mushroom and onions with smashed potatoes and butter and lightly fried cauliflower and broccoli sprinkled with some aged cheddar? oh yes!
hang on to your pants everybody as it's our first weekend of being pantless - woohoo! we were hauling and placing rocks without pants all weekend! it was awesome! more about rocks and pantlessness later.
here's moby-moe sleeping on the table.
6 trillion and five times a day i remove the little towels from the table, scrub the table, prepare food and then replace the little towels. all of our cats love sleeping on the table but only if the little towels are on it. and that glass of water? that's moby's glass of water. all 3 cats have their own water glasses, they will ONLY drink from glasses and not bowls. jeesh! and they want to be fed 3,000 times a day!
this is the little country man, nudie-noo sleeping on his little pillows.
he is the Project Supervisor on everything and our friend Pioneer Preppy knows a lot about having cat supervisors on jobs. (Pioneer Preppy also has a pile of cats that are rescues/saves. he's good like that!)
i know! i know! you are all wondering about the rocks but have a seat and enjoy some spring with me! this is our FIRST (did you hear me? i said FIRST!) weekend of spring and it has been a long, gray winter!
our first flowers every year are coltsfoot - these are the first flowers that the bumble, honey, solitary and mason bees have access to! i love how bright they are!
here's the pond looking kind of dank and smelly. i don't care! i love my pond! it is a natural-occuring sinkhole! and don't miss our beautiful bench, the top of which was given to us by our step-dad! we love that bench!
here's some brassicas that were moved out the house and into the greenhouse and will hopefully go in the ground this week.
here's some pots of other planted stuff. we spent the weekend planting and hauling rocks. i''l get to the rocks soon kids. just want to show you some more stuff!
here's a variety of perrenials that we overwintered.
here's some more pots of various planted stuff - we planted A LOT this weekend!
more pots of planted stuff and green onions that we overwintered!
ok. you are all crazy to hear about the rocks. well, first up - my favourite rock! it weighs about 3 million pounds and will always live here out on our berm!
here's standing by that rock and looking down to the river which finally seems to be melting!
here's our little table out on the porch and some cards (we're playing gin rummy 13 with a bunch of crazy made-up rules!)
ok kids. we're on to the rocks. on our property we have access to 10 million rocks - of all shapes, sizes and varieties. we love rocks! and have been wanting a rock garden around our apple trees since we got here. well between planting, nekkid suntanning, eating, playing cards, laughing, having fun, and just enjoying the heck out of our lives - we finally built the rock garden!!!!
we built it ourselves!!! and all with rocks from our property!!! i was the designer deciding which rock went where and jambaloney was the heavy lifter!
we also rock-gardened some bushes that are opposite the apple tree! these bushes have beautiful yellow flowers and we have no idea what the bushes are because neither of us have ever bothered to look them up!
here's some dinner after doing all of the planting and rock-hauling today.
that's some delicious bbq'd sausages and roasted veg with apple! we stuffed our faces after so much hard work.
then downed-tools for some afternoon nekkid suntanning!
more bbq for supper - some gorgeous steak and veggie skewers with pomegranate seeds! woohoo!
it's been an awesome weekend and although nothing has been planted in the ground yet, we still feel accompished! jambaloney is working on his contract right now and soon we will head out to gather some sage and mint for our tea. and then more hottub dips! that hottub has been crucial to our success this weekend!
finally kids - it's spring! for real! wahoooooo!
we hope that you all had an awesome weekend too!
Sometimes I drink catnip tea.
ReplyDeleteHuzzah for Spring! And thank you for supporting International Nude Gardening weekend (Really. Apparently it's a thing. May 2nd. Who knew).
ReplyDeleteThank you for the delightful food pictures as always.
glad you have the sun. Torrential rain here. found most of the leaks in the house and garage. Sugar soaped the walls in the porch. ready to paint tomorrow
ReplyDeleteSo glad the warmth has finally come your way. Frankie does look stoned & relaxed happy. Only you, my friend Kymber, could make liver & onions look so good. I guess if you smother anything w/mashed potatoes would be good. You are going to have a great harvest this year. Hope you get to put things in the ground soon. Cool sunny days are the best for nekkid sunbathing.
ReplyDeleteOh, & avacados are one of my favorite foods served just the way you prepared!
ReplyDeleteNecked gardening lol, I'm not confident enough about this body, and I would be scared of hugs getting where they didn't belong lol!!
ReplyDeleteI have ten million forget me not plants and they love rock gardens, want me to send some. The have adorable little periwinkle blue flowers in spring.
I told my littlest granddaughter that if someone asks what her grandpa does, tell them that he hauls rocks. Looks like you've hauled some of your own! lol
ReplyDeleteAll your kitties are beauties, but I swear, that Frankie is one good looking cat, those eyes and that nose....mesmerizing.
ReplyDeleteRocks? LOL, I have a post coming up about rocks we're taking to the farm. Don't have to haul them uphill from a river though, LOL!.
Rocks. If you ever want some more, feel free to swing by! haha
ReplyDeleteFrankie blue-eyes looks like the chickens do when they are laying an egg. Are you sure he's not laying an egg? Or maybe he's just practicing hatching tomatoes again.
Looks like you both have been busy. Enjoy that spring weather!
Boy oh boy oh boy - you and J were certainly busy this weekend...
ReplyDeleteGlad you found some time to sun worship too :)
Sweet Kymber,
ReplyDeleteI love Fankie's eyes, he has those beautifully blue eyes. Your other two cats are enjoying their sleep time :-)
We know when spring hits Canada.......that's when we start seeing Kymber and Jaime running around naked. You've planted plenty of veggies in your greenhouse in preparation for outside. Every thing you cook and post on your blog looks delicious..............except liver. You can have liver, that is one thing I don't eat! No if you cooked up some beef heart with garlic and onions I would say let's have a party ......... that stuff is actually really good.
Enjoy the beginnings of your spring. Sending hugs and love to you both.
Your friend, brat angel
Kymber, you and J eat like kings. The meals you fix for everyday eating are like what I try to make for very special occasions. I love avocados, just seeing that picture made me wish I had some here on the mountain, but alas I don't.
ReplyDeleteI do enjoy rock gardens. My dad had a very elaborate one at the home place where I grew up. When I was stationed in Japan I saw some of the Japanese gardens built entirely around a special rock, so beautiful and restful.
I use especially interesting or pleasant to the eye rocks as part of the cairns over my ferret's resting places.
I'm glad the weather has warmed up and you can get out "au naturale", that's good for you. I read once that as long as you don't overdo it and get sunburned, it helps your body produce some kind of vitamin you need.
That was a really nice post. I looked at all the pictures several times. You've got such a well fixed up place, everything the heart could desire.
I wonder if your bushes are forsythia?