see how the water sparkles in the sun? it's so beautiful and so calming to look at. the brook is much higher and deeper this year due to all of the snow...and it is growing into a small lake at the bottom of it due to a family of beavers taking up residence. but that is how new bodies of water are formed. and we are quite glad to have canada's national symbol living so near us!
breakfast this morning - plain 'ol cape breton lobster rolls!
allright kids - are you sitting down? make sure not to have anything in your mouth! this next picture is the most beautiful thing in the world!
SUNTANNING PO-DAY-DEEZ! woohoo! the potatoe tires are all ready to go and tomorrow is potatoe planting day! i can't wait!
after getting the tires ready - we are planting 40 tires with 5 potatoe plants each for a total of 200 potatoe plants of 4 varieties (red chieftain, russets, canada gold and irish cobblers), and sorting out the potatoe seeds (4th generation potaoes from our garden), it was time for dinner.
that's a tabouleh salad made with quinoa and lobster salad on the side. with grapes - yummeh!
we spent some time today organizing some additional preps, and of course, many hottub dips!
i really know it's spring when jam brings me home new flip-flops - woohoo!
we had a full day outside doing a variety of chores and jam dug up our pea bed as we are getting ready to build our outdoor kitchen where the pea bed was. it is going to be awesome and will give us a place to wash big dishes out in the sun, clean our harvest, can our harvest and just give us some additional room. i can't wait - we'll be starting it soon. it will just be the 2 of us but the man built that giant, honking greenhouse out of windows pretty much by himself - i think he, with my help, can whip up a kicking outdoor kitchen together!
supper tonight - a grilled chicken burger with mushrooms, jalapeno cheese, dressing, lettuce and tomatoe. it was wicked good! next to it - a honking hamburger (i make all of our hamburger patties) with the works - mustard, relish, onion, pepperocinis, lettuce, tomatoe, jalapeno cheese and mushrooms. we were crying after eating and i only ate half of each of mine - we'll be snacking on the rest for the rest of the eve.
well, that's today's update. jam is working (on the computer for LobstersRUs) and i am going to go and catch up on some blogs! hope you all had a fantastic day, too!
(p.s. - Sweet Sandy, we have you all in our prayers! much love to you Gurl! xoxo)
Wow, that's a lot of potatoes & I'm very envious. I have never met a potato that I didn't LOVE. The food in that last pic looks sooooo good.
ReplyDeleteDFW - you and me are the same when it comes to potatoes - i love 'em! last year we got about 175lbs of potatoes (including our seed potatoes for this year), and this year we are trying to 250lbs of potatoes which will also include our seed potatoes for next year. and we still have a ton of leftover seed potatoes so jam is taking them in to work to see if anyone is interested. i wish you were closer, i would give you a bunch! much love! xox
DeleteLobster for breakfast, how decadent. Hope the planting goes well, I love spuds and tyres is a great idea. keep inspiring us with your amazing cooking!
ReplyDeleteKirsty - it's interesting what people find decadent and whatnot. most people around here goran and moan when lobster is on the menu because they grew up eating it their whole lives. so it's not a treat or rarety here the way it is in other places. during the season we eat tons of lobster, crab, mussells, clams, trout, bass, mackeral all from our ocean and nearby rivers. lots of people here think that we are crazy because they hate fish from having to eat it all their lives! crazy eh?
Deleteall of the potatoes are in the ground as we speak and it is supposed to be another great day tomorrow - woohoo!
Sweet Kymber,
ReplyDeleteSo far today I haven't had to get in the closet with a bicycle helmet, the dog and all of my emergency supplies. The storms are out west of us moving north east. Sometime tonight we will get heavy rain, and more flooding. All one can do is be totally prepared!!! Thank you for your prayers and love :-)
Now look at that beautiful spring picture.............I can see the water glistening. And then all of those potatoes girlie.......count down time for planting. 4 varieties, what a nice collection to grow and harvest for eating later this year.
I'm so excited for you.... Jam is making you a functional outdoor kitchen. I remember how excited SciFiChick was to have a functioning outside kitchen, she would use it all the time. I have a request, maybe once your outside kitchen is complete and you use it the first time, you can dedicate the first cleaning/cooked meal in her name. I know she would get a kick out of this as she watches over us.
Your salad and lobster looks so delicious, I know what I'm making for dinner ........ salad, without lobster :-(
Have a wonderful evening, sending hugs and love to you both.
Your Friend,
Sweet Sandy - ANY day that you don't have to get into the closet with your helmet, little Beans and supplies is a GOOD day! jeesh, Gurl, i don't know how you stand it!
Deleteoh and sweetie - we got all of the potatoes planted today - woohoo! as i said to jam, if we have nothing this year, we will have lobster, trout and potatoes - who needs more than that? bahahahahah!
as for your request - i think it's a beautiful idea! but i was thinking of making little awkward signs and writing the names of all of our favourite blogs on each of the signs and nailing the signs to the kitchen walls to acknowledge all of our crazy friends who are doing similar things like trying to be more self-sufficient. but now that you mention it - the first meal will be in remembrance of Sci. the first trout cooked in it will be in honour of you! the second trout will be in honour of PioneerP (two will be cooked at the same time but yours will be first!)! then i'll have to whip up a completely fresh from the garden salad for Harry with lots of fresh avocados - he loves them! oh my goodness this is a great idea!
but i also want to nail another canning lid to the door post in memory of Sci like we did at the river.
you stay safe from those storms and just know that we are both there in the closet with you!!! sending much love and hugs as always! xoxoxoxxo
Food looks lush. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I know it will all be right in the end. lol it better be!
ReplyDeleteSol - no need for thanks - if we can all just prop each other up a little bit, then that is a good thing! it's gonna work out and you will look back on these times and laugh. but that's not gonna happen any time soon - bahahahah! xox
DeleteThat's a damned good looking burger. I can't believe you are putting those lovely beautiful potatoes into ugly tires though :)
ReplyDeleteYa know I never realized the water was at so much a lower elevation from your cottage before. I always imagined it about level or only slightly below yard level.
PP - i'd make you any kind of burger you wanted! as for the potatoes - woohoo - all planted - yaaaaay! and all of the tires for the additional layers are ready to go - yowza!!!
Deletei am gonna put up another pic of Strachan's Brook (now Strachan's Lake) to show that we are up about 100ft from the Brook and road. much love, ya nutter! xox
It is so pretty, the blue sky and water. I may need lobster for mothers day lol. I planted 80 potatoes and wish I had more space but not this year, I had to rotate the garden, and the big bed is my beans, peAs, onions. For mothers day I am planting my tomatoes in their beautiful bed. My peppers are still puny lol, I will plant them and see if the love the dirt. Oh I planted Boston lettuce and baby bok choy. So much fun after planning and thinking about it to get it in the ground!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful weekend!
ltw - 80 potatoe plants will still see you with a good haul! and how fun to be planting tomatoes on Mother's Day - woohoo! it sounds like you will have a great garden this year and i wish you the best of success! it is so much fun to finally get stuff in the ground that you have been dreaming about and planning for months! i hope that you have a wonderful weekend, too! xox
DeleteLobster for breakfast? I love you. Ha. An outdoor kitchen is on our long term list. I will look forward to seeing what you create. Then y'all can just get your butts down here on vacation and help me make one, HAHA! Seriously though, I love the idea and great thought Sandy had about SciFiChick.
ReplyDeleteteehee - i'll feed both of you lobster for breakfast too! and i love you back! both of you! our outdoor kitchen will not be as fancy as what you will have but it will have walls, a roof, a floor, lighting and electricity and that's all i need for now. i love Sandy's idea too! go see my comment to her. much love! xox
DeleteLiving in Iowa, I don't have access to such things as lobster rolls. So on my recent trip to Boston, I made sure to seek one out. It was largely a mayonnaise and filler concoction that tasted terrible. Your lobster roll looks like what I had envisioned and I hope the next time I have one it will be the experience I dreamed about. Until then I will just dream of your lobster rolls!
ReplyDeleteoh Ed - i am sorry that your lobster roll experience kind of sucked! now you make me want to mail you one but it probably would just be a soggy mess! i keep telling you to plan one of those vacations up here and if you do - you'll be sick to death of lobster rolls - i promise! xox
DeleteIf you can find the seed try Caribe' potatoes. They are fabulous!
Now I'm hungry! That burger sure looks good! Cute new flip flops!