it's been a beautiful, couple of bright days around the Manor! we have been taking lots of dips in the hottub and taking lots of walks around the yard. it's also been pretty mild but the temps are still dropping low at night so not much snow is melting. this is the longest spell of "staying" snow that we have had since we moved here in 2010! we don't mind though - we can smell spring in the air - woohoo!
here's a different take on our normal romaine salad - there's peppers, olives, artichoke hearts, onions, avocado and the usual suspects in the dressing - EVOO, garlic, ginger, honey and lemon. with a bit of brie and grapes on the side. it makes for a refreshing and light dinner to keep you going until afternoon snack-break.
one of my favourite suppers - and no, it's not fancy but i just love it - shepherd's pie! yummeh! with seasonal corn that we froze last august and peas right from our garden. deelish.
the man, jam, has been working every day on contract for a local business and he is doing some amazing work! on saturday he dug through all of his stereo stuff in order to go down to our community centre with our friend s and set up our stereo system.
this saturday night is our st. patrick's day dance and since we haven't had a dance since new year's eve - we are all pretty jazzed to meet up. it should be a blast!
i've been making bone and veg broth over the past few days. i usually bring it up to a boil on the first day and let it simmer for several hours then put it on the porch overnight. the next day i bring it in and repeat. then back out on the porch the second night and on the third day bring it in and simmer it for several hours. later today we will strain the broth and it will go back on the porch overnight. then first thing tomorrow morning, i will bring it back up to a boil for about 30mins, get my jars and lids ready, and then we'll can 19 pints. it is fun to make and can or freeze your own home-made stock!
here's another delicious dinner that is light but full of good things for your body.
that's quinoa, parsley and peppers with the same dressing as above and some carrots and celery with artichoke dip, and roasted red pepper hummus.
kids - i know i post a lot of pics of food on this blog but food is my passion! with the man working as hard as he does, i like to be sure that he is well-fed - it's what enables him to dig trenches and dance the whole night away. it's good for me to eat well too. food is incredibly important in staying healthy and can also act as preventative medicine. if you are interested - here is a post i did about the Framboise Manor diet.
anyway, it has been a beautiful couple of days, spring is in the air, i've been sorting seeds and getting ready to start some seeds indoors next week. woohoo - i love spring!
i hope that you all have also been enjoying march, wherever you are!
I don't comment often but I loooove your blog. I have followed your progress since the first posting and yours and Jamboloney's enthusiasm, food pictures and creative work and solutions are much enjoyed. It even helps me stay motivated and on track at our small homestead here in So. Calif. Best of everything this spring and beyond.
ReplyDeleteNo Snow In MN........all gone. 60 degrees here.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how Jamby does all that work with those little portions and so much rabbit food. The Shepherds Pie would give you the energy needed if it was a double portion though :)
ReplyDeleteWhy I would eat this whole page of food pics and then ask what was for dinner :)
Looks good though.
It looks very good. You are a fantastic cook. I think Spring may finally be around the corner for us - at least we have light longer, so hopefully things can start happening outside.
ReplyDeleteYesterday was beautiful; today, the rain fell all day and it was foggy, because of the snow on the ground. Guess we need to enjoy the pretty days while we have them. I've never tried quinoa.
ReplyDeleteBrie on melba toast with homemade jam - yum :)
ReplyDeleteOur snow is all gone, but it has been drizzling rain for three days. Fortunately, temperatures are above freezing. I very much hope spring is here.
ReplyDeleteI made ham soup with a ham bone tonight. It was pretty good, if I say so myself. I ate all I could and gave the rest to the cats and the dogs, all of whom approved.
By the way, I always enjoy the pictures of food you and the other ladies put on their blogs. Sometimes I even get motivated by the pictures and make something myself.
Thanks for the manor update, Kymber. You're right about food providing the nutrients and medicine our bodies need. The more I learn, the more I realize that. I tasted the fermented cabbage in the crock tonight and it is getting a great kraut flavor. It worked! It's the first we've ever done. After I read how good fermented food is for our bodies, I decided it was time to learn how. We'll have to try some tomorrow with lunch. Have fun planting your seeds. I look forward to seeing how they do.
Well it won't be long now for your garden to be started. Any seeds growing in your greenhouse yet? Yesterday I bought some tomato plants and will transplant them today! :-)
ReplyDeleteThis post is exactly why I only read your blog on a full stomach. I would go crazy otherwise!
ReplyDeletewhy do you cool and re cook the bone broth>? I am just curious lol. I have been making it all winter
ReplyDeleteSweet Kymber,
ReplyDeleteThe skies up there are always gorgeous! Yes, spring is in the air. Our snow has been gone for days now, the sun comes out and plays with us. Temperatures here in the early mornings have been in the 40's and later in the afternoon high 60's. Starting on Friday, temperatures will be up in the 70's. And the best part of spring coming, the animals are coming out. We get to hear and watch all the birds.
I know Jambaloney has been working very hard on this contract, soon he'll need a nice meditation break out on the water fishing :-)
Bone broth, one of my favorite things to make and use when cooking or with soups. Girl, you've been pretty busy yourself.
I like your idea of storing the soup outside ......... the all nature refrigerator (that snow really does help). Making broth is something we do all the time here because we go through so much of it. Bone broth is one of the healthiest things we can provide our bodies.
After reading your post, I'm in the refrigerator pulling out my veggies for a nice snack (why is it I always get hungry when I read your posts)...............oh I know're always making wonderful dishes, and snacks.
What type of seeds will you be planting next week inside?
Sending hugs, and love to two of my favorite family members.
Love u both,
Sandy aka: Brat Angel.
Do you roast your bones before you make the broth and what kind of bones do you use? I find once you make your own broth of any kind store broth is a travesty! Great read and super photos!
ReplyDeleteSo Jambaloney is a dj too! Cool!