Monday, June 25, 2012

the Framboise Community Breakfast, diamonds, baked potatoes and lettuce!

saturday morning we attended the Framboise Community Breakfast. we served 22 dozen eggs, 4 million pancakes, 10kg of sausage and jambaloney and i cooked 10kgs of bacon!!!! it was a huge success and we made a lot of money for the community centre - woohoo!

here is jambaloney outside of the hall: (ladies don't feel bad for wanting to be me and have such a gorgeous man. i understand! i AM me and i still want to be me every time i look at him - *sigh* - he is soooo gorgeous!)

and me:

up next - diamonds! you know the sayings - diamonds are a girl's best friend. diamonds are forever - yada-yada. i love diamonds. big diamonds, little diamond's and in-between diamonds. i am an expert at carat and clarity. have a look-see for yourselves!

i love diamonds!

more diamonds - i am surrounded by diamonds!

some of my favourite diamonds!

so very beautiful!

there are diamonds all over the Manor! come and get some for yourself!

these diamonds are especially gorgeous!

here's the obligatory pic of the sky for Helga - she loves to see the sky and i love to take pics for her! my friends Jane, Sandy, Sue and PracticalP also like sky pics!

here's a food pic for my friend Russell! baked potatoes smothered in butter, cheese, sour cream, bacon bits (real bacon) and chives - oh they were good! and a side salad all from our garden - woohoo!

hey check out the baby lettuces in the lettuce stand:


if this thing works i am having jambaloney build me a hundred more!!!

Russell asks: "hey kymber. what did you guys have for breakfast?"

i answer: "hey Russ buddy - how goes it? for breakfast we of course had the breakfast of champions!!!!"

check out those deeeeelishous trouts!!!! oh yummy-yum!


 well, that's it for now. it has stopped raining and the sun is out and the entire garden has been watered by the rain! i am sorry to all of my blog friends out there who are getting too much rain and not enough rain. we are very lucky this year as we are getting enough regular rain and enough regular sun that i think it is going to be a bumper year with our garden. fingers crossed anyway.

go have a great day y'all!

oh and if you are in the mood for a giggle - my friend PioneerPreppy did a silly parody post of one of my posts - check it out here.


  1. I wish I had fresh trout for breakfast...great pictures.

    1. oh dear sweet one - they are so delicious and full of awesome nutrients - we can honestly say that we are feeling stronger every day and it's because of this wild, nutrient dense food! we are going to try smoking them and if they turn out good - i will send you some smoked!

  2. Hey sis - The breakfast sounds like it was a smashing success - hearty appetites there, eh ?

    Your kinda diamonds are a girl's best friend - love, love , love all of these pictures ! If only we could see you in that long shot. Jambaloney is looking just adorable - but you are a speck in the distance. Bahahaha !

    Thanks for the sky hon - as ours is still grey. Record rains have hit B.C. this June - flooding all over, but we're not affected.

    Talk to you later - Love you as always my precious sister ! xoxoxoxo

    1. oh Helga, hon - we served the meal buffet style on warming plates - therefore people could take as much as they wanted. we kept running out of bacon although jambaloney and i cooked bacon non-stop for 2 straight hours?!?!?!?!? i saw people come back for seconds, thirds and fourths!!! they got some serious appetites here and they are not afraid to show it. one of my female friends had 4 pancakes on her plate and used up 2/3 of the maple syrup...she giggled when me and jambaloney were trapped in a daze staring at all of the syrup - she said "hey. i like pankcakes. and syrup". she finished off those 4 and went back for 3 more - bahahahahah! oh yes, sis, they got them some appetites here!

      i am glad that you liked the diamonds. i named all of them "little Helga's" - bahahahahahahaha! sorry about the pics - but jambaloney took the pic of me and he isn't good with the people pics!

      i am glad that you enjoyed the sky pic - i will always take one for you! wow - there are record rains hitting a lot of places and none of those places need the rain!

      my precious sister - i love you back! xoxoxoxoxo

  3. And sis - I forgot to say that Pioneer Preppy did a great job. Made me laugh for sure !

    Rob - We made it to BLOGGERWOOD ! Bahahahah !!!

    Have a great day sis .... xoxoxo

    1. Helga - PioneerP's post was hysterically funny - and when he substituted you for Rob - i just near killed myself laughing!

      you and Rob are now famous stars in BLOGGERWOOD! congrats to you both - bhahahahahahah! xoxoxoxoxo

    2. Yes I finally made it big...

    3. buddy - you need to start walking around singing Peter Gabriel's "Big Time"....cuz you have made it to the Big Time - bahahahahha!

  4. Kymber, You are surrounded by gems of all varieties, but what is most important, is that Jam knows you are a gem, and you know the same about him, and that the life and beauty that surrounds you makes you both very lucky indeed. Contentment is the key, and you both have that.

    1. Jane - you are so right. i have diamonds and saphire and topaz and so many gems all around! Jam is the most beautiful of all! we are very fortunate and grateful - and we try to be at all times. we wish that everyone could live like this! we really do, Jane. and contentment so is the key - our cat Barley Mow is the picture of contentment. we are trying to learn from him and are learning much - he has much to teach! xoxoxox

  5. We need a bigger and better photo of you for the gun range. bahahaha evil laugh. But seriously how about some photos that we can see both of your bright and smiling faces..P-L-E-A-S-E...

    1. Rob, buddy - i hear ya! and i will get other people to take pics of friend S is good with a camera and i will get her to take pics of us at the dance! sorry buddy!

  6. Fresh trout for breakfast, now that's living! And what's up with the 50 yards away pics, c'mon now! : )

    1. Craig - you and me know that fresh fish for breakfast is the best!!! i told jambaloney to try and get the community hall and sign in the pic - therefore it's a 50yards away kind of one. i promise to get some pics of us when we are at the dance!

  7. Sweet Kymber,

    It sounds like you had a blast at the community breakfast with the people and making all those eggs, pancakes, sausage and bacon. I love all of your diamonds, there gorgous! Those are the best diamonds to have and you don't have to clean or insure them, lol. Thank you for the beautiful cloud picture. It reminds me of ice crystals blowing in the clouds high in the sky. Are those potatoes yours from the garden? Yum...., fish for breakfast, again.....I'm so jealous!!!
    Your Friend, Sandy
    P.S. I like he pictures of you and Jambaloney :-)

    1. Sandy, hon - we spent our first half hour hugging all of our friends and catching up on who's up to what and whatnot - we had a really great time! ya - the diamonds are pretty sweet i must admit. sadly, the potatoes are not from our garden but they are organic and from the mainland of NS (our province). Sandy, we eat fish for breakfast a minimum of 4 days a week - it is so nutrient dense and full of omega 3-6-9 - and as you know deeeeelishous! thanks hon! xoxoxoxoxo

  8. I like breakfast, it is by far my favorite meal of the day. sometimes I eat breakfast for supper.

    1. Dear Duke - we do the same! i love having toast and dippy eggs with bacon for supper - yummeh!

  9. I think if the community made up a calender of pictures of jambaloney just frying up bacon looking like that, you'd sell thousands and make a fortune.

    I'd buy one. :-)

    That was good of you both to do that for your commmunity and I bet everyone had a really good time.

    Your sky pictures are beautiful. I know Helga will love this one.

    1. bahahahahahah - Brigid, buddy - i think that you might be on to something with the calendar idea - bahahahah! oh thanks for that - gave me a right good chuckle. jambaloney is beet-faced and heading out of the room - bahahahahah! he's a shy one, he is!

      our community is small, about 50 people in 2 towns, so if we want to raise money and whatnot for our centre, then we all have to pitch in. we love helping out whenever we can. we always have fun and it really makes us feel like we are really "here".

      thanks for liking the sky pictures - and ya Helga did love it, too. xoxo

  10. You are constantly tempting me with the trout and now the rain.

    1. ick. oh buddy i am so sorry. i will try my best to send some rain your way. and when we smoke the trout, if they come out really delicious, i will send some of them your way too!

  11. I have never, ever had fish for breakfast, and I am not sure how I feel about having it first thing. However, steak for breakfast is not in my repertoire, even in my head. Free, fresh, and fried might make me hungry. Eating what you can get from the land is the way to go.

    There have been several pictures of gutters used to grow lettuces. On my blog just a few weeks ago, Don't Read This; It's Boring had a gutter she hooked to a chain link fence. Someone else installed gutters to the side of a garage. Of course, growing up sure saves room with these gutters. Gutters seems like something jambaloney might scavenge. He might like attaching better than building.

    My sky pictures might be gorgeous if there were not so many utility line, poles, and skyscraper signs in the way. I don't know how far I would have to drive for an unobstructed view. But, I certainly think your skies are magnificent.

    Your diamonds are great. You certainly have more than the Queen of England. Don't tell her I said that.

    You are so funny--I have never wished I were someone else for a man or money. Besides, that picture is so small of him, it is hard to work up a drool.

    What is the little room sticking out on the back of your house? Just curious.

    1. PracticalP - i think eating fish for breakfast is a regional thing - i grew up eating fish for breakfast as did everyone who lives around here. it's kind of standard fare! but you are right - free, fresh and fried is awesome and we love eating from the land!

      i have seen those lettuce gutters before and will seriously try them if the pallet stand doesn't work out - thanks for the tip!

      i am sorry that your skies are so cluttered with stuff - and ya - we have magnificent skies to enjoy - we love the sky.

      teeheehee - i won't tell the Queen - that was a good one! bahahahah!

  12. Replies
    1. got it - not our house. that little room is the kitchen/canteen area of our community centre.

  13. I've never had trout. I've never had fish for breakfast. If I could eat YOUR fish, on the lovely plates, I'd feel like GOD!! I was so sad today. Just hard to get any feeling other than a straight line. Tonight Stud asked "Are you feeling better?" And I had to think....and I answered "I'm loved." He said, very solemnly "Yes. You are."

    Then I came here. You said you wished everyone could live like you. Well, most people (I imagine) would complain about eating trout.....on paper plates with a plastic fork....and complain about the heat while cooking breakfast...YOU are what makes your life ideal.

    1. lotta joy - i'd love to make you some nice fresh trout - it really is delicious!!! i am so sorry that you were sad but i am very glad that you got Stud! and little Stud!!!

      hmmmm....maybe what i should have said is that i wish that everyone could be happy with what they have in life. and not wish or want for anything more than what they have. that's how i feel everyday...even on a sad or blue day (we all have them!), i am still content with my life. and that's what i wish for everyone.

      is that better? xoxoxo
