Sunday, June 3, 2018

we interrupt your regularly scheduled program.... order to bring you this "sad and pathetic, its been about 3 months since we last posted" post.

but isn't this beautiful - this is what we look at while working at the kitchen table/counter and we also see the same view from our comfy chairs in the living room.

this is out back - just as beautiful and where jambaloney builds all the different projects and i run around and chase cats! jambaloney has been using the tractor to fix our road to the river - woohoo!

jambaloney built a new cat-scratching stand that stays on the deck (old tattered one to the left. new one on the right)

ahhhhh. my 2 greenhouses. they are a dream. built by jambaloney.

here's the new indestructable pea bed.

here's a side view.

" ye olde awesome washing station" is back in place. 

it's a little bit ugly but it does it's job just fine! the sink is actually a pre-molded shower base that someone threw in the garbage that jambaloney scarfed 5 years ago!!!

this is greenhouse #2 stuffed to the gills with tomatoes and strawberries.

greenhouse #1 is filled with new peppers and a variety of other things. and yes, we still have jambaloney's step-dad's seeding tray that he gave to us back in the city that we used to start seeds and protect plants every spring/summer.

another side of greenhouse #1 with various-sized peppers.

lots of trays of lettuce on the other side.

and what can i say about these amazing strawberries that i harvested today except that they are gorgeous, sweet and delicious and there's a ton more like this. soon we'll be eating strawberries every day!!!

those strawberries were then quickly turned into this awesome afternoon snack:

fresh-picked berries drizzled with raw honey, coconut milk, a ton of freshly-cracked black pepper and fresh mint from our garden - deelish!

we are very sorry that we haven't been posting regularly but sometimes life gets in the way. we really got a headstart on the gardening this year. i'll have further posts about the method we use to start seeds indoors, let them get them get big enough and then out to the greenhouse they go. our cucumbers, melons, and squashes are currently living in the greenhouse in the house and will be moved out soon. we'll plant our carrots in a few days and i am finally working on flowers while jambaloney is working on fixing the beds, digging and leveling areas and although the yard looks like a mess - heck it's our mess. but because we had the 2 greenhouses to move the plants to - we are feeling a little bit ahead this year (*knocks on head*). that means we can spend plenty of time making the yard a little neater. we are looking forward to that!

jambaloney also works on his contract pretty much everyday on top of all of the stuff he builds, fixes and all kinds of different stuff. he's been trout fishing and we have already had some beautiful, delicious fresh-caught trout meals for breakfast, dinner and supper.

we are looking forward to river days, boating down to the ocean, and this year we promised each other to do some sight-seeing trips around the island. i will take many pics when we go out on our adventures. right now is one of the best springs we have ever had. we are planning to enjoy it and then summer will arrive. we have a ton of plans and we think it's going to be a pretty good and long spring, summer, and autumn this year. and one last thing before we sign out:

fresh-caught trout with fried potatoes and a yummy salad.

we're sending love to all of you and hoping that you are all having a wonderful spring!!!!

we now return you to your regularly scheduled program (while i go and catch up with your blogs!)


  1. Hey Kymber, Glad to see you guys are OK and your silence wasn't due to y'all being eaten up by Sasquach or something. Was beginning to worry a bit there.

    1. thanks very much M! we don't have any sasquaches here but we have moose and deer that cause lots of trouble! thanks again for your concern.

  2. Just checking in, Stay safe

  3. Was worried but figured you were having all sorts of fun outside (nekkid and otherwise) in the beautiful weather. Enjoy.

    1. and the prize goes to 1st Man for nailing what we were doing! we are really enjoying this beautiful weather.

  4. So glad to hear from you. And you both have been very busy. All that hard work and lovely food! Enjoy June.

    1. glad to hear from you, too tana50. everyone who chooses this lifestyle that the jobs never end, the plants need to be sorted or transplanted. then there's general yard work and that all combined keeps us pretty busy! enjoy your june, too!!!

  5. What beautiful strawberries!

    1. thanks Kelly - they were sooo good and we are going to be getting a ton of them!

  6. Hi Kymber and J! :)
    So nice to hear from you! Your greenhouses are to die for, so lucky, and look at all of those plants!!! Lovely! Enjoy your spring and summer in paradise! :)
    PS: Just to let you know, Alex and I have decided we're moving to NS next spring/summer without a doubt. If we don't find our dream house to buy, we'll simply rent there for a year, but either way we are OUTTA here in 2019! :)

    1. hey Rain! glad to hear from you, too. the greenhouses work wonders! i love them!

      that is such exciting news! where are you planning to go (mainland or island). let me know and i can start looking for links to send to you.

      i hope you guys are having a gorgeous pile of fun this spring and summer! sending love.

  7. Hi Kymber :) In answer to your question: NO FREAKING CLUE lol. Though my preference would be along the Fundy Bay. But...I still have your email and will keep you posted, your help would be so welcome. It's going to be life changing for us! I'm so looking forward to it!!

    Summer here so far is amazing! We're going to relish each moment. Enjoy yours with your man and your gorgeous home! :) xxxx

    1. Rain - any help that we can be of in regards to your finding a suitable place - let us know! and yes - it will be life changing but i don't think it will be difficult for you to pull off. and yes - this is one awesome spring/summer to be sure!

  8. Glad y'all are okay. Got a little worried. The garden is amazing.

    1. yikes. i can't believe we have some "high-faluting" follower!

      bahahahaahhh! naw that's just reference to your pay increase. congrats TB. and i'm glad that you like the garden - give it another week or 2 and it will look even better. xo

  9. saw on harry's site. glad you are okay.
    deb harvey

    p.s. husband has cancer , please pray. will find out thursday what will be prescribed.

  10. Glad you are doing well.
    I love your greenhouses!

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Seems a lot of folks are slow at blogging these days, but some of us are slow at catching up on blog visiting! I loved your tour and especially your greenhouses. I'm hoping to finally get one too sometime this year!

  13. It's understandable that you'd have to let blogging go for awhile with all you have happening. I'll be glad when things settle down and you have more time, because I do enjoy reading your posts.

  14. Thank You for sharing your article, This is an interesting & informative blog. It is very useful for the developer like me.


  15. Are you coming back? I hope so.....

  16. Khi thị trường dịch thuật ở nước ta ngày càng trở nên sôi động và phát triển mạnh về số lượng như vậy, các doanh nghiệp có nhu cầu sử dụng dịch vụ dịch thuật cảm thấy bối rối khi không biết đâu mới là những công ty dịch thuật uy tín nhất Việt Nam? trong trường hợp này, lựa chọn dịch vụ của ; dịch thuật chuyên nghiệp - MIDtrans một công ty dịch thuật chuyên nghiệp có trụ sở tại 01 Tây Sơn, Nam Lý, Đồng Hới, Quảng Bình là sự lựa chọn sáng suốt.
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