wow! this thanksgiving weekend was a whirlwind - we had a blast! friday afternoon we went to our friend's daughter's birthday party...6 screaming 9yr old girls - bahahahah! but they had so much fun! they were playing outside for the whole time and having a blast. us adults hid in the kitchen - bahahahah! we had hotdogs and hamburgers and ice cream and our friend, S, made up little gift bags for the girls to take home with them. i thought that was really sweet!
saturday night we had our community centre dance - it was a hoot. there were only about 20 people there but the majority were our framboise family members, including V, B,C, S, D, R, E, D, and we were thrilled that our brother and sister C and G were up from the mainland!!! also our fourchu family C and B were there! we all danced and talked all night! so much fun!
but on sunday we went to our framboise family's house for thanksgiving dinner. i ate 2 whole plates of stuffing, turkey, smashed and gravey, mashed carrot and turnip - delicious! the company was wonderful too! we made a pumpkin pie to bring, and we brought all of the ingredients to make the icing at the house. jambaloney makes icing from scratch using whipping cream - it is delicious!
Sweet Sandy - i got to show off my beautiful measuring spoons. i normally don't use them, the are hanging on the cupboards as decoration. when i showed my friend C the beautiful spoons, she said "OMG! you can't use those! they should be hung as decorations!!!". i told her that i don't normally use them but that i wanted her to see them. she thinks they are lovely! and so did V and E!
our friend D brought a big bag of apples for us from his apple trees...he is the man that owns the blueberry farm...such a thoughtful guy! i had dreams of apple sauce, apple pies and apple butter! but it isn't going to happen. we have been eating 3 or 4 raw apples a day - they are so crisp and fresh and refreshing! i talked to D's wife, E, on the phone last night and told her we were eating the apples like crazy. she said she would get D to get us another big bag - teehee. i sure do hope so! D grows the best blueberries and apples that i have ever eaten!
on sunday evening we went to our fourchu family's friend C is crazy for halloween and had all kinds of ghouls and ghosts and blinking lights and a bowl of candy with a hand in it and when you reached for the candy - the hand grabbed you! she also had a phone that would ring and when you answered, it would say "i know what you are doing and i know where you are!" - bahahahah! a couple of other friends arrived with their young kids and the kids just loved it all. she had the downstairs and the upstairs decorated! people have been dropping in with their kids for the past few days and will continue to drop in until halloween. the kids just love it!
and on monday, we were back at our fourchu family's house for another thanksgiving meal! oh yummeh! they always send us home with bucket loads of leftovers! we had a really good time and our friend B's mom and dad came too! it was an awesome time!
so we have had a wonderful thanksgiving weekend, yet again, because of all of our good friends and family. it is so nice to arrive in the middle of nowhere, where people have known each other their whole lives and be so warmly accepted! we feel like thanksgiving is every day since we got here...and it is our favourite holiday so how cool is that?
anyway, we were expecting a frost the other day and picked all of our peppers! we got a ton! so for last night's supper i made stuffed peppers with feta - yummeh!
i will make a variety of sauces out of the rest of the peppers for jambaloney to enjoy all winter.
here was today's dinner - marinated shish-kebabs and rice - i marinate the veg in olive oil, garlic, cumin, cayenne and turmeric for about an hour and once cooked, the veg just melt right in your mouth!
for supper tonight i am trying a new recipe for roasted potatoes - i hope it turns out! we will have steamed broccoli and carrots with the potatoes. we have many meat-free days a week...not for any other reason than that we really like veggies and fruits. but don't get me wrong - we love our meat, too! our brother B is going to get us a deer this hunting season. jambaloney probably won't get a chance to get out - he needs to go and get us a 20lb bass and 20lbs of smelt! plus there are all of the jobs that poor man has to do to get us winterized. we'll be in much better shape next fall and he can go out hunting. until then, our brother B will take care of us. we'll have deer meat for all winter, spring and summer - yum!
anyway, i am off to make supper and will be back later this eve to check out all of your latest posts! to our canadian readers - i hope that you had a wonderful, family-filled thanksgiving weekend. to our american friends - i hope that you had a lovely weekend. ciao for now!
It sounds like you are blessed with some fine friends.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you had a Happy Thanksgiving with wonderful friends. The food looks great. Can't wait to hear how you preserve & cook the venison.
ReplyDeleteM-m-m! All your meals look delicious as usual, Kymber. The apples do sound good. Hopefully, you will get another bag from your friend and fill all the visions of apple sauce dancing in your head. lol :-)
ReplyDeleteAre you guys buying a deer tag for brother B to use for you, or do you not need deer tags on the island?
Hey Gurlie ! What an awesome time uou had. I am happy uou got to celebrate with such good friends. The Halloween thing would be up my alley one year we went to a haunted house, they made you put your hand in a bowl and said it was eyeballs, but really it was peeled grapes...
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful weekend. And the food, as always, looks wonderful.
ReplyDeleteWhy do you two always have such a good time? I never have that much fun. I am always jealous when I read your posts. Especially of the wonderful meals you and J have. I had pork and beans tonight. :-(
ReplyDeleteSweet Kymber,
ReplyDeleteTalk about a busy Thanksgiving weekend, the birthday part, the holiday celebrations and then sun bathing. I bet you both were naked too!!!!
The measuring spoons I sent you can be used and displayed at the same time. I use mine all the time, and then hang them back on the wall :-)
Yum......homemade pumpkin pie. I've never hear of frosting a pumpkin pie, now this is very interesting. You have to tell me more on how Jambaloney does this.
We won't have venison this year in our freezer, no time to go hunting. :-(
Maybe we will pickup some from our son in Texas.
If you're expecting a frost that means ours is right around the corner.
Have a wonderful week, don't work to hard at winterizing your place. Remember to have some fun too.
Sending hugs and love to the both of you.
Your Friend,
I miss you Sandy. the rat
DeleteMohave Rat,
DeleteI'm a supporter of the Tea Party, and have several friends who are too. I stand behind my belief, you can say whatever you want on your blog but as Ayn Rand quoted “We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.” I'm done with the chatter about who may or may not be at fault, and your belligerent rants.
Your best to your wife, I hope she recovers.
Yes, please pass my best to Ellen as she recovers.
DeleteIt sounds like ya'll had an awesome Thanksgiving. You have such a wonderful extended family. Frost huh? I'm hoping we don't get any soon but I know it won't be much longer. Those peppers look great. Looks like I'll have to pick up some feta cheese. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI've got a question for you. Do you still sometimes pinch yourself to make sure you aren't dreaming? I know I do but I'm wondering if it wears off after awhile?
Happy Belated Thanksgiving to you both. And thank you for sharing your Thanksgiving with us.
Sounds like a good time! This has always been my favorite time of the year. I like the cool evening and morning temps and the warm afternoons and the thoughts and actions that go along with preparing for winter. I build my first fire in my fireplace yesterday and sat in front of it all evening enjoying a good book. I never slept so well as I did after.
ReplyDeleteI have hunted but never really enjoyed it. I just like being outdoors. So I always get someone who enjoys hunting more than me to shoot me a deer or two in the fall. It is a win win situation!
20lb. bass, that's an adventure on it's own. Sitting on the shore with pants rolled up, straw hat and a content look.
ReplyDeleteDeer hunting doesn't look anything like fishing.
I really need to be in algebra mode before reading your posts. A(2e+d) = Blueberries / apples.
ReplyDeleteThat pie sure looks good perhaps I will swipe one on the next fish run.
All that food. Sounds your planning on hibernating.
ReplyDeleteSnow on the ground soon?
Fall and Thanksgiving are by far my favorite time of the year, maybe it's because the hot summer is over and all the good food is in from the gardens. I enjoy the simple pleasures like family and good food and friendship.
ReplyDeleteWow sounds like you had an action packed weekend! Glad you had so much fun! I wish I could sunbathe here in the UK, it would help my stye to go away!
ReplyDeleteJust stopped by to see what you were up to. Hope everything is going well, it sounds like life is chugging along just fine up there.
ReplyDeletesorry. hurry up and forgive me. I miss you guys. the rat