"lol....I'd love to see a proper picture of your hot tub:) I was just thinking the other night - what would I wish for if I had three wishes, but I couldn't wish for more wishes....1) a long hot bath with a gin and tonic. 2) a full body massage. 3) a whole night alone with my man. But then I couldn't decide if that was really four wishes? And which one should I dump....I was really tempted to dump the gin and tonic, but I know that the bath would be so much better with it, so then I thought maybe the night with my man because by the time I had a bath and a massage I'd just want to lay down and go into a coma anyway....I don't know, I never did decide....I want it all and I tried to convince myself that the gin and tonic just naturally went with the bath, so it really only counted as one wish...lol...but then I felt like a cheater. You wouldn't think I would have this much extra time on my hands to OVER think things, now would you!?"
she and her hubby have 10 beautiful children and live on a mountain in Tennessee and are trying to live a more self-sustaining life together. she tells their incredible story here. go and check her out if you haven't already done so - their story is quite wonderful!
anyway, she asked for pics of the hottub so i went and took some.
here is the baby sitting on the back deck.
cover off. i love the colour of the hottub...the brown, blue and gold. it makes me think of our river and our ocean.
it is a 4person hottub but i like stretching out in it and taking up 2/3 of the room squashing poor jambaloney in a corner.
now here is the nifty thing. it lights up. no really - it really does. i love having it on at night - it is pitch black here at the Manor at night - no light pollution at all. so we go out with a flashlight and turn the lights on the hottub. it's beautiful. have a peak.
it changes colour every few seconds.
i tried to get shots of every colour but only got the ones you see.
it goes from blue, to green, to yellow, to pink, to purple - you get the idea. i could sit out there all night in that thing.
we consider this thing an investment - in our health and well-being. we are both water babies to begin with and our tub in the bathroom is only about 4 inches deep. so we use the hottub to relax sore muscles at the end of the day but we also use it for our mental well-being - there is just something so wonderful about starting and ending each day in the tub. we also plan and dream in that thing. everything seems possible when sitting in the hottub.
Mystic Mud, i hope that you enjoyed the pics. if you ever come to visit, i will make you as many gin and tonics as you want!
OMG! _ I love it, and now I think your hot tub needs a name, I mean, if you do a whole post on an inanimate object doesn't that personify the object enough that it deserves a name?...lol
ReplyDeleteI love the blue color, too, but blue is my favorite color anyway:) And the disco light feature.....is to die for....giggle. I agree, your tub in an investment in yourselves, and a good investment. We all need a place to relax and reconnect. Just as soon as we get water up here on our mountain I plan to rig up some sort of warm water tub outside....I can't wait to sit and soak while looking up at the stars. There is a house near us, though, that LOVES their outdoor lighting, and just this last week they put up TWO more lights - the kids call it the "flying saucer" now because there is nothing but darkness out here other than their house with a row of stupid lights.....they must be from outer space to be ruining a perfectly beautiful dark night sky!!!
Thanks for the pics - they give me something to dream about while I wait for water:) And thank you for the link love:) Cheers, my friend, maybe one day we will share a gin and tonic:)
xo ~ michele
the baby...lol....I love it. I have seen MDR's setup, and I showed it to my man. I hope, one day soon, to have water here!
DeleteAnd I'm not picky about my drinks....I'm a cheap lush....lol! It would be a real treat to have Jambaloney fix something up!
xo ~ michele
I didn't know hot tubs had lights!
ReplyDeletePracticalP/Linda - i am having such a hard time loading your blog and then leaving comments?!?!?!? i see your new posts in my reader but then have such a hard time loading the page??? gonna show jambaloney and see if he can figure it out.
Deletebut yes - our hottub (which is a softtub) has lights!!!! crazy eh? but we love them!
mmasse - we love our tub. we would love a sauna too and jambaloney has plans for building one. both are great for health and mental well-being!
ReplyDeleteNice hot-tub. I already follow MysticMud. She ROCKS!
ReplyDeleteMr. Smythe, dear Sir, i found Mystic Mud through you and now have a new friend. thank you so much!
DeleteThe only way to enjoy a Hot Tub, in my opinion, is in the total darkness, w/only hot tub light.
ReplyDeleteI also follow MysticMud and agreee with Gorges ... she definitely Rocks. If you love your children & husband, it will all work out.
DFW - you are so right! when we go out at night we only use the hottub lights and it is soooo dreamy! i am glad that you follow Mystic Mud - what she and her family are doing is amazing!
DeleteI love hot tubs. The best is sitting in them when it is cold and snowing. The snow melts and freezes in your hair (back when I had hair). It's a great time. Well, until you have to get out. Brrrr.
ReplyDelete45er, buddy, we are the same when it comes to enjoying the hottub. i love letting the snow land on my head and my tongue and i love being in it but i screech like a banshee when i have to get out, throw my bathrobe on as fast as i can and run for the house!
DeleteHmmmm....I do onsite massage therapy....how far from London, ON did you say you were? ;-)
ReplyDeleteteeheee....Elizabeth we left Ottawa a year ago. and now we are in the middle of nowhere, Cape Breton Island. i'd say we are just over 1,000 miles away - teehee!
DeleteOh we had a soft-tub for many years! It was a basic model compared to the new fancy ones with the lights! We may have to investigate getting a new one.
ReplyDeleteoh Janet...i don't know how you could have one for years and then not have one. we were here about 10 months before we got our new hottub and i thought i was going to die!
ReplyDeleteVery nice! We had a hot tub at one stage but we filled it in to use the room for the swimming pool pumps and stuff. It was never my cup of tea, but I can understand how it would appeal to you! I love the lights.
ReplyDeleteJoey - different strokes for different folks eh? i simply couldn't live without our baby. but i do often think of you when out there at night with the "disco" lights going off. and i imagine what songs you would play to each of the different lights. me and jambaloney have a real good time thinking of what you would play. thanks buddy, you have provided us with hours of entertainment without knowing it!
DeleteVery nice, there is nothing like a hot tub on a cold night and a warm drink (a full moon is nice also)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing, Duke.
oh Dear friend - you must be living in my head. we spend so much time looking at the moon in it's different phases and feel so close to nature because of that time in the hottub looking at the sky. i can't properly describe how we feel but i think you know what i mean.
Deletethank you for always being so reliable and consistent. thank you for the updates on Stephen. i know that the hospital has been a place that you are visiting waaay too regularly. and i know how tough you are and how much you can take...but sometimes i just wish i could give you a bit of a break. i really appreciate your friendship Duke. i hope that you get the chance to come back and read this.
your friend,
That hot tub is lit up like a Pink Floyd concert! Hehe..someday I am gonna get me a wood fired version of the same!..but i fear for A*..she falls asleep in the tub 3 nights a week as it is!
ReplyDeleteegb - bahahahahah! yep, we are pink floyd all the way, buddy! i have seen a bunch of designs for wood-fired versions - i would so love one! i hope that you build one but you will have to keep your eye on our dear A*...poor thing. don't let her fall asleep in it buddy...i have done the same exact thing. and it ain't pretty - bahahahahah!