it is finally spring and we are supposed to be having "normal" spring temperatures from here on in. woohoo!
one thing that we love around here is parsley and our 3 different kinds are coming up fast in the greenhouse! here's what i call quinoa tabouleh...because i substitute quinoa for couscous.
with some greek yoghurt and kimchi - yummeh!
here's some potatoe seeds, all saved from last year, having themselves a nice suntan! i suntan my potatoes before planting them.
today we planted 80 irish cobblers and 40 yukon golds. the red chieftains didn't have enough eyes on them yet so they get planted after some more suntanning tomorrow.
here's another dish to drop a bunch of parsely in. some spagettini, fresh chopped tomatoes, a ton of parsely and parmesan. deelish!
oh ya....and remember in this post when i showed my sitting rock which is down at the river. i sit on it and watch jambaloney cast off the edge of the river. well of course Pioneer Preppy had to say that it didn't look big enough to be a sitting here's a pic of me sitting on my sitting rock. so there, Pioneer Preppy!!! ya wiener!
want another dish with parsley. oh - here ya go - herbed lebanese rice.
the stuff is delicious with some pita, kimchi, greek yoghurt and oranges.
we've already got frog and salamander eggs in our pond - woohoo!
these pics were taken a few days ago - we actually have 5 egg sacks in the pond.
some are salamanders, some are newts, some are spring peepers, some are leopard frogs, some are green frogs and wood frogs. it doesn't matter - i call all those babies "frog". i check on them several times a day. and tell them that i love them to encourage their growth. they eat lots of bugs and that is always a good thing!
here's a yummy dinner when you been working in the yard all day!
half an avocado, sprouts, kimchi, SARDINES - oh ya baby! and some greek yoghurt dip. deelish!
and i know that W, Pioneer Preppy and Matt have been holding their breathe through this whole post waiting for the faery garden! wait no longer guys. here it is!
i like to make faery gardens in pots but maybe this year i will have jambaloney build me a proper area for a faery garden. faeries are very important to have in your yard! they help things grow!
here is the package that i get from The Cottage Gardener, an heirloom seed company in ontario. their seed packages contain the most delightful information - i love ordering from them. make sure to enlarge the pics and read about what to put in a faery garden.
here's the back of the package that explains why you need to plant these specific things for the faeries.
here's another look at my faery garden. i made sure that they have a nice walkway and house, a fish, a frog, 2 bumblebees, a jewel hanging in the middle of the yard and an amphora to hold all of their faery potion.
i am sure that you can tell that i am in a very good mood today! i can't wait to get out planting again tomorrow. the greenhouse rocks! and although we had such a late start to spring - we were still able to get a pile of stuff started in the greenhouse. i hope that you are all enjoying your week and your gardens!
1. There isn't enough showing there to even identify that as a rock. It looks awfully stressed and enveloped :)
ReplyDelete2. It appears the other critters in your fairy pot lynched some poor dwarf and hung him from the post thing. I doubt any fairies will be moving into a pot with such open hostility towards short creatures.
3. I took note of the plants that these fairies supposedly like and I am going to try and catch me some fairies and pull their little wings off.
4. I followed the link back and noticed that rock is cracked :)
5. I don't have a five really but have I built up to a boot visit yet? :)
oh wiener brother is the first commenter and i must comment back. thank Gawd you don't call me on a regular basis or i couldn't stand it! would still love for you to plan a visit with the missus tho.
Deletethat is my sitting rock. end of story. it is close enough to the river's edge that i can watch jam casting and i can sit and look around at the river and the sky.
the thing hanging from the post is a beautiful fake gem - which you would have realized if you bothered to click on the picture, ya wiener!
you will never catch any faeries because they are on to your tricks! and do you know who faery protectors are? ya, i didn't think so, you wiener.....bees! bees protect faeries!!!!
yes, the rock is cracked because of my big *ss. jeesh. i weigh 90lbs soaking wet and yet you still try and criticize my butt. no worries. i will never criticize the ...ummm....size....of your tiny package - oh - bahahahahahah! i am not even going to say sorry for that one - you brought it out in me - bahahahahah! oh you know i love you and always will.
but honey, you are no where near ready to see me at your door in my special boots. i don't even think you could handle a pic of me in those boots. your tractor girls couldn't lick the bottom of my boots if you know what i mean. much love to you and Mrs. PP. have her lupins come up yet? xoxoxo
I thought you proclaimed you were already one of my tractor girls... The first one in fact and speaking of small packages that first one was pretty light in the top department :)
DeleteI did look at the picture it looks like a dwarf hanging there and bees eat fairies.
i was the first tractor girl! and she's the best looking one to date! and ya - i am light on top but around here - that's a good thing! bahahahahah!
DeleteHow did you store your seed potatoes from last year? Just in a dark place or do you have a special method for storing them over the winter?
ReplyDeleteMike, buddy - here at the Manor we use very tried and true scientific methods. for potatoe seed, we just set aside the smallest potatoes of the harvest. here's where you need to get a pen, paper, scale, compass, protactor, astrolab, and a telescope. i will send more detailed instructions through our secure email (so that NSA can't read about it). basically, we take the small potatoes and put them IN A BOX IN THE BASEMENT AND COVER THEM WITH A TOWEL. then we just leave them there all winter. then, when we are ready to plant them we suntan them for a day. i know it all sounds very complicated but i will send you detailed instructions. however, i do believe that you can follow this very technical plan...being that you are very technically-minded yourself. for anyone else who is reading this...if you aren't technically-minded - DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!
Deletebahahahahahahha! oh sometimes i just kill myself with the funnies.
LMAO, Good one, thanks!
Deleteno probs buddy! our scientific approach to saving potatoe seed has worked for near 10yrs now!
DeleteI am overjoyed it is spring here! My peas are coming up as are onions and beets, Swiss chard, and carrots. I love this time of year. I also wanted to say I looked up the benefits of locto fermented foods and am now making large jars that we eat daily. Your plates are always such perfect portions I love it. Happy spring!!
ReplyDeletelongtimewife - i am sooo glad to hear about your peas coming up, and your onions, beets, chard and carrots! i love this time of year too. and yes - lacto-fermented foods are soooo good for your overall health and digestion! i am super glad that you are making it daily...we do too. different types of course, but we include lacto-fermented food in our meals daily. thank you for such a nice comment. i hope to see you back here regularly. and a lovely and happy spring to you...this week is supposed to be a beautiful week and i can't wait to get back into the garden. our best to you and yours!
DeleteI like your fairy garden. You always manage to stay young at heart, and you'll live a lot longer because of it.
ReplyDeleteKymber, you always have such nice meals on your blog. Even though it's almost three in the morning, the pictures made me hungry . I don't have anything like what you make, but I have some sausages I cooked this morning that are left over. I'll have some of them!
I like your sitting rock. Pink is one of your favorite colors, I bet.
Harry - i have always tried to stay joyful as i believe it is the best way to live life. i had never known much about ferrets before meeting you, and they seem to provide a lot of joy and seem to be joyful creatures. i would really like to get a colony...but again, they would eat my cats - bahahha!
Deletethanks for saying you like my faery garden. i will do a post about my faery salvation army stores that i set up all around the yard. as well as faery doors and faery houses.
i really hope you enjoyed your sausages - we get some local ones that are really cheap and really good!
you nailed me on my favourite colour - teehee! much love to you and yours always, my friend!
I have a wooden barrel just like yours, I think I will get the boys to help us make a faery garden. But I do agree with PP...looks like the fairies held a fairy court and lynched that one
ReplyDeleteFairies and gnomes are very important to your garden and house, My mother in law ( god rest her soul) got me started on gnomes, I have two house gnomes Named Herman and Henry. Then it turned out that Ole Herman was actually a North Pole Elf sent here to watch over ND and NW during the holidays, well, being that he is some couple hundred years old, Herman got retired by Santa and now lives on Elfkin Island, which is some where in the South Pacific I am sure he is kicked back drinking a pina colada and being waited on by hula
And there you are again wearing my boots ! Got to get me a pair.
oh Gurlie - go make a faery garden! based on how well the boys did with planting the okra, they would probably be very interested in a faery garden!
Deletei know all about poor Herman's demise from your blog...but yes, let's just pretend that he is retired to Elfkin Island - bahahahah! and yes, gnomes, toads, mushrooms, faeries, bumble bees, honey bees and solitary bees are all important for your garden. gnomes are the protectors!
ya - i gotta admit - those boots really rock - bahahaha! much love always to all of you, Gurlie! xoxo
Of course your teeny tiny bottom fits on that teeny tiny rock.
ReplyDeleteI always get hungry when I read your blog. I'll just pop by for lunch, please.
The fairy garden -- so cute! I love the bees especially.
Kathi - you and Jim are always welcome to stop by anytime and you know it! and you will both be fed until you bust (although, considering Jim, i will probably go broke trying to feed him! bahahahah!) i am loving the new series that you are doing over at your blog - what a thoughtful tribute to a wonderful friend!
Deletei love the bees too! much love to you and Jim! xoxox
Nice Wellies Kymber!, good to see some green at last on your island of perpetual snow! We have frog pond as well in our back yard and also there is a creek in front of the house so we always have heaps of the critters. The commonest type is called a banjo frog, don't know why because their call sounds like someone knocking on a bit of wood with a hammer! I will send you a photo of the pond & see if I can catch a frog as well.
ReplyDeleteWe have another reptile in our gardens called a legless lizard, it looks just like a small snake but when you pick it up you can see the faint remains of it legs. Cheers
thanks for liking the wellies Sgt - i had never heard of that word until i met an australian - bahahahahah! isn't it awesome to have ponds and creeks on your land - i love all of our frogs, toads and salamanders and would love to see a pic of your pond...and banjo toads. i have never heard of those - i will look them up.
Deletejambaloney would be fascinated by those legless lizards - i will get him to look those up, too! it's so awesome to have friends on different continents and learn about different species, flora and fauna - isn't it?
cheers back, my friend!
I have got to start a faery garden. It might be the only kind I can keep completely weeded for the entire year !
ReplyDeletesweet Jane - the faery garden is THE ONLY THING that i can ever keep weed-free. jam is the weeder, thank goodness. if it were up to me to keep the garden weed-free - we'd starve. or have raised beds filled with grass. neither of which are appealing to say the least - bahahahah! much love to you and yours...and we hope that you come back to ns soon! xoxox
Deletequestion Kymber, how do you get your blog list to show on your front page??
ReplyDeletelw - send me an email at and i will send you the steps.
DeleteHa ha love the photo of your pink arse on the sitting rock. It does look quite small though. Your arse and the rock. :D
ReplyDeletebahahahaha! hey Joey buddy - you probably may or may not know that we use the word arse here in the canadian maritimes...that word was brought over by you Brits! the rock itself is a pretty nice sized rock which is perfect for sitting on - especially for my arse. i don't know why my buddy PioneerPreppy is having such a hard time with it. but he's contrary that way....another very British word that is used in the maritimes. much love buddy always! xoxoxox