it sure is pretty eh? next up - a big giant thank you to all of you who helped my friend, mmpaints. i call her my "driveway chive". you can read more about why i call her a driveway chive here. now have a look at my beautiful driveway chive:
that chive needed a little love and a little pot. just like my friend. so many of you were so generous to my friend, at a time that she really needed it, and i thank you from the bottom of my heart. you can check on her project progress here. and you can get an update on how she is doing emotionally at her blog here. she is sounding pretty upbeat despite the crappy situation she is in. i think it is because of all the love and support she has been shown. she's a trooper and i just know that she will get her commercial kitchen up and running.
to all of you who showed her love and support, either through donations, leaving her comments of support on her blog, and posting about her situation on your personal blogs - i can't thank you enough!
next up - my friend W is always inquiring about Frankie Blue Eyes. so for W, i present Frankie, Frankly, Mankly, Stankly, Stankly Patoonch in a box:
W is the person that called Frankie "scrutty". he is so right! Frankie always looks scrutty. and jambaloney and i have a new word that we use regularly between ourselves - bahahahahah! poor little Frankly - he really IS scrutty!
i know that you are all wondering about my baby frogs. here's a pic:
they are doing so well and growing so big - soon i'll have two thousand baby frogs...all of whom will be named frog. stay tuned for pics of the frog houses i will be building.
here's some pretty daffodils blowing in the wind:
and here's where the fighting for the trouts start. our dear friends, Sweet Sandy and Pioneer Preppy will have to duke it out. my money's on Sandy!
how about some yummy bruschetta?
or a tiny shepherd's pie? i say tiny cuz we made it in a small pan.
want a really filling and delicious pasta salad? try making it with apple, green onion, tuna, mayonnaise and get ready for it - WASABI! oh it has kick, let me tell you! but so delicious!
our sister community, Fourchu, had their annual crab leg supper. it was awesome. for $12 you got 2 big scoops of potatoe salad, coleslaw, a fresh bun and a whole crab. plus pie for desert! because we helped with the cleaning up, they gave us a ton of crab to bring home - yummeh! here's some quinoa salad and crab legs - deelish!
how about some delicious vegetable shish kebabs with rice and pineapple? i marinated these veggies for hours in olive oil, garlic, turmeric, cumin and cayenne. they melted in your mouth. especially the mushrooms!
and some more grilled vegetables on another day. we george forman-ed these - they were tasty but not as tasty as on the bbq!
well that's my update for now. stay tuned for an update on the garden. my garlic is gone mad, the tomatoes are in their tires and flowering, the peppers are flowering, we have our bug net tent up and things are going well overall. we've been eaten alive by black flies and the deer flies are already out - 2months early!!!! arghghghghghghghgh!!!!