these are mallards.
the male has a beautiful green head and red legs. they were having a field day munching on grain and bugs out in the yard the day before yesterday.
and then today - woohoo - more ducks!
these are known as american black ducks. they also had a field day eating bugs! i sure hope that one of the sets of ducks decides to make our pond their home. i love ducks! plus, they are great for getting eggs from. and if you are in a real pinch - wild duck is delicious!
this is bird week around here - check out this gorgeous, long-haired jaeger that jambaloney took a pic of at work this week.
he was having a field day mowing down on bait intended for crab traps! this kind of bird is an arctic species and is not afraid of humans at all. especially when the bait tubs are sitting out on the dock getting ready to be loaded into the crab boats. he's one smart little jaeger!
can't do a post without some food right?
that's delicious korean bulgogi, sticky rice, stir-fried veg, pickled ginger and some orange slices - yummeh!
here is our favourite way to eat pasta. i use home-canned tomatoes, some feta, parmesan, green onion and red chili pepper flakes. simple but delicious!
jam is working from home all weekend and i hope to be able to plant some stuff in the greenhouse. it has been gray for the entire month of april and if i don't see some sun soon, i'm gonna lost my mind!!! i hope you all have a great weekend!